Custom Fursuit head and accessory bags

 Fursuit head bags are an add-on you can get with your costume, or sometimes I will take them as side projects. Below are some examples of the head bags I have made.

Fursuit head bags start at $475 that includes basic quilted fabric, simple eyes, and your choice of straps: a single shoulder strap, double short handles, an elastic strap to go over a luggage handle, or two backpack straps.
But, of course, the price can increase if you want a particular fabric like pleather or glow in the dark fabric, more complicated stuff, pockets/pouches, patches sewn on, a tracker tag, etc.

I also require you to either ship your head in so I can make a pattern of it or that you follow the instructions below to make your own pattern. Some heads that are more complicated or have many horns or spikes will require you to ship them in. If you chose to ship a pattern instead of your head then any possible repairs or alterations needed due to poor sizing are your responsibility, I will still alter the bag but will be compensated for it.

Goldenmaw did not make the head in the instructions below.